Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Bleed from Ron Hamm on Vimeo.


  1. The music had really good flow with the whole video. I also like the camera cuts of the drawing

  2. I like the use of color throughout the video. The black and white shifting to the colorful dream was good- I think that the only thing that could have made it stronger would be to perhaps have her still wake up in black and white, but maybe have a gradual shift to color as she finds support.

  3. Very brave subject to film! Great job conveying the story and loved the shot in the end :)

  4. I think that the thing that worked the most was the music and the fact that there was no dialogue through the film. The performances were also great.

  5. I really liked it but it needed something more at the end. Maybe some shots of their faces as they talk?

  6. I think the music was perfect for this film. A good variety of camera angles as well.
    I didn't get the sense of going into a dream, but understood it was a dream when she woke up, and maybe that was the intention.

  7. Lovely music choice, great job with the opening sequence (although it sounds as if it is just completely silent in between the drops, some sort of quiet white noise would be nice) and the red of the blood is really dramatic.

  8. Really enjoyed the multiple angles you have in your video. You guys did a really good job. The cut shots in the beginning worked really well.

  9. I liked it. Could tell she was going through depression and the music fit that and helped to convey that she was a little depressed because of its melchanoly sound. Good job!

  10. I liked how you didn't have any talking or narration and kept it simple, and good job with conveying emotion. I wasn't too sure about the first music choice right before she fell asleep though.

  11. overall good job! i think the music fit very well and good camera angles.

  12. I understood what the story was about in the beginning, but i had a hard time transition from the bathtub scenes to her being happy. I think some kind of transition shot that gives more backstory would have made it more clear for me. I liked the music and the shots had a nice flow to them as well. Good Job!

  13. i got the sense of depression but the ending felt like it needed a little more...it ended just abruptly. I enjoyed the music and performances otherwise.

  14. black and white color grade fit well with the piece of depression. the separation with black and white and the color red fit well with loneliness.
